Wednesday 30 November 2011

Really great Diet Coke deal discovered.......

at Tesco! 2 x 12 can packs for £7.00 only. That's like less than 30p per can! Oh life is full of joy :) Get them quick before the offer expires!

My precious stock under my desk at work. They'll last me for about two weeks maximum

and the Diet Coke tower is growing again! 

Tomorrow I get to start using my Hello Kitty advent calenders (yes I have two this year - one from M&S and one from Tesco --> double the joy ☺). Ahh how I love December.........

Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Diet Coke tower is growing (again)

The Diet Coke consumption progress was a bit slow today - two cans only at work (but was topped up with a further two cans at dinner). The aim is to have a Diet Coke desk Christmas tree by......well Christmas!

Christmas tree in the making.....

A colleague celebrated his birthday at work by treating everyone Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I got myself a Christmas special one (it's not even December yet) - roughly in the shape of a Christmas tree! Full of fat and clotted cream inside but it was too cute for me to care.....
Awwww.......Christmas fat storage period officially starts now!

Monday 28 November 2011

My Diet Coke addiction

How can a person be so addicted to Diet Coke? I drink it during breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and even before bed. All the scary articles about Diet Coke being harmful to your health actually put me off Diet Coke once in a while but in the end it always wins. The look of it (a combination of red, silver, black and white) lifts my mood and it tastes so good I hardly drink anything else (apart from green tea which is another obsession of mine). Sadly, caffeine no longer has any effect on me so I drink Diet Coke only because my body craves for it (it's a bit like those once in a while junk food cravings).

Today alone 5 cans of Diet Coke were consumed by me at work and below is a picture to prove it. the aim is to build a Diet Coke tower on my desk (I was close to doing it once but had to take it down due to an external audit).

To avoid tartar buildup, I always drink Diet Coke with a straw. For some reason it actually makes you drink more, which is a rather bad side effect! You can get these colourful box of straws from Sainsburys (comes in blue, green, orange and PINK)! 
Through this addiction I started to collect can ring-pulls. Pictures of them to follow once a good amount of them is gathered.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Hello Kitty is everywhere (and that's the way I like it)!

I used to think that this super cute Sanrio character is exclusive to Asia, only when I started to live in the UK did  I realise how wrong I was! 

Hello Kitty is everywhere and that makes my world a happier place no matter where I am!

Hello Kitty Christmas Advent Calender from Marks & Spencer for Year 2010 (UK) 

 Hello Kitty from a German Hello Kitty Magazine issue - this cute bag came with the issue (Germany)

Hello Kitty nail varnish from H&M (Sweden)

More "Hello Kitty Spotted" posts to follow!