Thursday 1 December 2011

Oh Diet Coke tree, oh Diet Coke tree....thy silver leaves are so unchanging;

 It is finally (already) the month of December. Doing anything Christmassy is no longer deemed "too early" or "too weird".

My lovely Diet Coke tower has changed shape - hopefully it will morph into a three tier triangle tree (to be treated as a Christmas tree) in no time. It will be decorated accordingly!
Did my first bit of the Christmas shopping yesterday at Fortnum and Mason - they do really beauty biscuit tins! My friend stumbled across this absolutely adorable cup cake at the fresh cakes counter and kindly shared it with us (it was cut into 4 pieces --this tiny little thing compare to the enormous calculator). Really yum though :)

My department took the opportunity to have the earliest Christmas celebration ever on the 1st day of December at a bar near London Bridge. Nice decor but crappy food (and no secret Santa).....:( Oh well at least there is a company wide Christmas party to look forward to!

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